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Hoy lo Firmo

A comprehensive digital solution to make processes more efficient and streamline communication with your company's staff.

Hoy lo firmo It offers a new way of communication between your employees and the Human Resources department.

Hoy lo firmo allow you to define document, processeslicenses and general messaging. In that framework, Hoy lo firmo provides you with Salary Receipts, Digital Files, Online Licenses and a Communication Channel.


With Hoy lo Firmo you will obtain an incredibly fast ROI, reducing costs and time.


Our platform has data protection and the authenticity of the signature is guaranteed through asymmetric cryptography.


With our solution, you can eliminate excessive spending on stationery while being environmentally responsible.

What can be done with Hoy lo firmo?

Hoy lo firmo offers a new form of communication between your collaborators and the Human Resources area, allowing you to define Documents, Processes, Licenses and Messaging in general. In that framework, Hoy lo firmo gives you:


Salary Receipt

Deliver digital salary receipts with a single click, and have your employees return them signed, from their mobile phone or website, also in a single step, thus eliminating the printing of receipts and streamlining the circuit.


It is secure: Your documents and data will be insured, both at rest and in transit. At the same time, the signature has technical support that allows the user to be verified and where it was made from (Device, zone, user).

It is cheap: Without parameterization costs, reducing the costs of issuing, filing and distributing labor documents.

It is Sustainable: Its validity is legally supported.

It is of the latest generation: By activating the biometric signature, the system performs facial recognition and allows the generation of an additional PIN unique to the user which must be entered with each signature.

Digital File

Keep active files updated and keep inactive files to consult or download when necessary.

The formation of the digital file is the result of the digital processes that the solution harmonizes through the creation of workflows. The integration of the files allows you to define all the onboarding and offboarding processes, digital receipts, digital communications about which your employees become aware or must upload to the solution, considering for example:

– CV

– Internal policies

– Psychotechnicians

– Employment contract

– Code of ethics

– Affidavit of address


– Certificates of various kinds

– Family documentation

– Justifications

– Other documents

Online Licenses

Centralize all communications in one place: leave and vacation requests, benefits communication, and others.

Hoy lo firmo allows you to manage license requests by setting workflows that will be established according to the needs of your company.


- Vacations

- Disease

- Marriage

- Maternity

- Paternity

- Studies

- Others


Communication Channel

Share internal policies and regulations by creating a permanent reference repository for your collaborators.

Hoy lo firmo offers you a new way to communicate with your collaborators, where you can send notifications, update information or documents, both formal and informal, being able to request their signature or not, having control over the openings and signatures, if any.

In turn, your team will be able to contact the company through the same communication channel, either based on the news received, documents, files, processes or by opening new queries themselves.

Hoy lo firmo will maintain this information documented with the necessary traceability to carry out adequate monitoring and concentrate this activity in a single repository.

Hoy lo firmo, more agile for you, simpler for your collaborators.


Excellent user experience for both the employer and collaborators. 

It is simple to implement. It does not require installation on servers because it is in the cloud.

Immediate start-up. No setup costs. 

Appropriate controls using optical character reading Interpretation of contents of Salary Receipts.

It is secure, so that each employee maintains the privacy of their information. 

Reduces time for the company's HR team and for the collaborator.

Follow-up. Allows you to track the status of communications. 

Validated. Offers the alternative of biometric signature. 

Legal. It is framed in current legislation, the signature is secure, verifiable (auditable).

Simplify. The license application and approval process. 

Reduces costs of:

  • – Printing and reprinting
  • - Distribution
  • – Stop times for signing and returning receipts
  • – File or storage costs
  • – Hours of administrative efficiency
  • – Search to respond to queries and complaints
  • – Efficient management
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